Private worship only:
My portals aren’t
Open to all-comers.
Respectful tributes
Accepted as my due.
Unruly tongues get
Lashed and bigheads
Served up on platters.
You may kneel at my
Feet and offer them
Homage. I will rest
My spiky heels on
Your prostrate body
As your worship at
My altar. Obedience
Is my currency. My
Time is your money.
Drain your coffers
Dry to fill my vault
Then crawl to the
Back of the queue.
Meantime my wish
List is still waiting.
Kate Meyer-Currey was born in 1969 and moved to Devon in 1973. A varied career in frontline settings has fuelled her interest in gritty urbanism, contrasted with a rural upbringing. Her ADHD also instils a sense of ‘other’ in her life and writing. She currently has over forty poems in print and e-journals. ‘Gloves’ recently made top 100 in the UK’s ‘PoetryforGood’ competition for healthcare workers. Her first chapbook ‘County Lines’ (Dancing Girl Press) comes out later this year.