Mark Heathcote

Her Legs Are Like Earrings

Her legs are like earrings I’ve never worn.
They’re something to be dangled,
before an electrical storm,
like a fig vine, she snakes through my mind.
Clad in jingling charms these-veils-fall
shedding her skin of fear.
Shedding her gilt, she burns to the core.
all scales removed she-wriggles
curled like a frond, moist in every pore.
The jungle has abducted her senses
a great winding river enters her falls
her kisses like-big-sticky dates tremble.
As-she-slivers aside dawn’s dewy-wet morn.


Her legs are like earrings he’s-never worn.
They’re something tireless to be dangled,
before an electrical storm,
like a fig vine, she snakes through his mind.
Jingling clad-in-inexpensive charms a veil tumbles.
Shedding her negligee see-through-coils of fear,
shedding nonsensical gilt, she burns to the core.
All her lifeless scales detached she-wriggles
uncurling like a fern frond, moist in every pore.
The jiving jungle has abducted her senses
a great winding river enters her falls,
while kisses-like-big-sticky dates land gently.
Breathless, she straddles the dawn’s dewy-wet morn.
An orchid atop of an electrical storm,
butterfly winged teetering hitherward-blown forlorn.
Towards a passion never listless flung en-route on love.


You’ve-got-your proclivities, who knew
Somebody seductive removed my bicycle clips
And asked me why-I’m-blue
Don’t you see it’s a full moon and I-love-you?

Soon it’ll be too dark-
For even coal sellers visit after dark
To empty his hessian sack
And light a goddamn spark.

You’ve-got-your proclivities and I’ve-got-them too.
To take off all my clothes
And get naked skin-to-skin with you
Listen to a saxophone horn growl and fade
Darling, I’m not afraid of anything today.

You’ve got your proclivities for stiletto shoes
And long red flowing hair
I’ve got mine dominos, drinking
And fall downstairs.

But together; I’ll play it clever
And act really cool
Because I’ve got proclivities
For making, love to you.


Mark Andrew Heathcote is adult learning difficulties support worker. He has poems published in journals, magazines, and anthologies both online and in print. He resides in the UK, and is from Manchester. Mark is the author of “In Perpetuity” and “Back on Earth,” two books of poems published by Creative Talents Unleashed.

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