Her thighs are a songbook I open,
backstroke, butterfly to an ovum,
a bridge to a chorus-
that, in the beginning, is amorphous
but by the end is-the-main performance.
We enact upon-a-stage
as joint headliners, cooperative friends
in a cast
that accumulates cherub rafters of’ little spellbinders.
But what I enjoyed most
was the bridge to a chorus?
That meeting of two operatic lovers
where the music of their inner voices
resided in raptures heavenly-ever-afters.
Infusions of Love
Cambered moments in my spine
goosebumps on neck and nipple
hot breath, a taste of pepper vine
sins-and-lusts-are-measured in sextuples.
Lest I love you that little bit less
take off your robe and undress
bare your heart and soul thereof
supplant your infusions of love.
she said let us not transgress,
Lest I love you that little bit less
hold me in your arms-caress
I’m not aloof like Catherine Deneuve
I want additional infusions of love.
Neglectful of the world thereof,
the likes of
undreamed of
we go together, hand and glove.
In Those Giddy Heights of Lust
Palpable as the butterflies
Compelling us to embrace a kiss
In those giddy heights of lust
They obliterate each amiss.
Like-cupids sachet, arrows
We are windswept
Hasten to traverse and
Fall—head over heels
and not be sidestepped.
Like—dishearten heroes.
We brush against peeling ivory and
Imagine her in her vintage-clothes
In all her undressed-naked-form
Like mellifluous music
In all but her moonlit ambience
We imagine a compendium of ideas
In those heavenly chapters – bookmark.
Mark Andrew Heathcote is adult learning difficulties support worker. He has poems published in journals, magazines, and anthologies both online and in print. He resides in the UK and is from Manchester. Mark is the author of “In Perpetuity” and “Back on Earth,” two books of poems published by Creative Talents Unleashed.