Category: Issue 07

James Roach

Unrighteous Through sweatpants waistband and flowered lace vulnerability, my toyed hand lunged to the perfect spot between two lips that haven’t been kissed in years. I focused on a photo…

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Evie Wood

Baking You, My Cake breaking my eggs into a bowl life-force within yellow yolks whipping up to a frenzy then adding you, sugar ever so slightly as the beater froths…

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Antoine Bargel

The Cherry She was an old friend from high school, whom I had not seen in about 15 years. She had known that I was in love with her, back…

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Emmett Ross

Nothing Between Us The flicker from an unwatched game show casts the faded lampshade’s shadow on the motel wall dancing its eerie dance up the cream wallpaper as our bodies…

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Oak Morse

The Lioness and The Cowardly Lion The lioness roared in Cowardly Lion’s ear to run his nose through her coat close enough to smell the bloody gazelle in her body.…

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Tom Ball

Love on Luna I, Carl, said to Maribeth, “What’s new with you?” She replied, “I have a new job as a total recycling engineer. Here on Luna, we reuse everything,…

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Eugene Stevenson

Fuchsia & Tan Lines Advert to the world, the happy couple posts their fourth of July portrait, casual, as are they. Smiles more natural to her than him, but on…

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Mark Heathcote

I guard lovemaking with a secret oath Who is she cavorting-in-the sunlight with? Who is he dancing-in-the moonlight with? Dullness is lovemaking without love, love without passion is tedium a…

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Alan Abrams

Playing with Fire "...whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no." ~Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera Did…

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Stephen Faulkner

The King “Oh, Jeezie, that was just wonderful! I mean just really, truly, mind-blowingly, incredibly wonderful! Some girls I know have called you the king of… of....  I don’t know…

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The Erozine