the title of this poem is a sigh
hands between thighs
the meat of thumbs and
palms clutched between
buried butterfly wings
shuddering, fluttering, pressed
to that tender fault line
pulsing and squeezing
a wet, slurping suction
hungry enough to swallow
each other whole
when i remember this later
i squeeze my thighs together
on nothing, or tense one
strung muscle because i can
or press my pelvis, searching
into the bedding, a challenge
for my increasingly animal body
look, no hands
and think that probably getting
off is just another stim
Lust and Gluttony Are the Same Sin: Three Haiku
A Juicy Orange
I’ll peel it for you
and you can suck the sticky
sweet sweat from my palms
A Fine and Delicious Spread
My tongue parts soft flesh
Now it’s your turn to feed me
And my insides growl
A Smear of Yogurt
Thick bright honey, dripped
My fingertips, slowly dipped
Your full wet lips, licked
KM Bezner (shey/they) is a queer librarian in Rhode Island. Their work has been published in or is forthcoming from HASH Journal, Hot Pot Magazine, Ouch! Collective, Barzakh, coalitionworks, and others. They can be found most places @kmbezner.